
This web was designed on Figma and developed with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Hi, my name is

Florencia Morelli

I'm a developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I love learning new programming languages and creating innovative projects.


Get to know me!

About me

My name is Florencia Morelli, and I'm a Software Development Technician student at the University of Business and Social Sciences (UCES).
My journey into programming began in 2021. Fueled by a desire for new knowledge, I started learning UX/UI Design. Immersing myself in the world of design ignited a curiosity about the "how" behind creating these interfaces.
After completing courses at various institutions, I honed my focus and decided to pursue a career in software development at UCES.
I'm particularly passionate about software development and game development.
This portfolio showcases a selection of projects I've undertaken during my studies, alongside some personal endeavors. Feel free to explore and discover my work!

My skills

  • UX/UI Design
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • Angular
  • Express.js
  • PHP
  • C++
  • Java
  • Kotlin


WhatToWatch App


Android mobile app with API consumption developed for Mobile Development I subject.

WhatToWatch (Android Mobile App)

CruzARG in Godot


CruzARG game, now made in Godot.

CruzARG in Godot

Bookvault App


Repository app for finding, adding, editing or deleting books developed for Mobile Development I subject.

Bookvault (Android Mobile App)



First Android app. Easy-to-use currency converter developed for Mobile Development I subject at UCES.

UCExchangeS (Android Mobile App)



First contact with Game Development, using SFML library and C++ to build a crossing road game.

CruzARG. Object orientated game development project
JavaScript HTML5 CSS3

Ford Pinasco


Frontend developement for a car dealership company.

Ford and Maximo Pinasco. Web development project



Frontend only e-commerce platform developed for Interface Design subject at UCES.

SugarMax. Web design and development project
Python JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap

Diagon Alley

Codo a Codo 4.0

Mockup e-commerce platform featuring products from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Diagon Alley. FullStack Python Project



An e-commerce platform showcasing a variety of footwear products with a minimalist design.

Adidike. ReactJs Project


Educacion It

A web application for generating quotes, built with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It provides a user-friendly interface for estimating project costs.

WWWapas Web Design Project


Educacion IT

A responsive website created using HTML5 and CSS3, showcasing modern web design principles and techniques.

WWWapas Web Design Project

Veggie Buddy

Codo a Codo 4.0

An iOS-based mobile app designed to help users find vegetarian food items and restaurants. It provides easy-to-understand search categories and simple logging.

Veggie Buddy Project

Get in touch!

Feel free to contact me for any questions or collaboration opportunities.
I'm always open to new challenges.